The Ruthless but Voluntary American Invasion of Europe in 2023

The US culture eroding Europe’s unique cultural characteristic as we willingly embrace the takeover.

4 min readAug 20, 2023

We are living in a world of cultural warfare. But is there an alternative?

Listen up.

I was at a restaurant today and ordered a steak. The waiter gave me a strange look and said, ‘Repeat, please’ in English.

This got me thinking about how our national culture in Denmark, like the rest of Europe’s culture, is being diluted and replaced by American culture and spirit.

It was probably a foreign student who needed to make a bit of money — no ill will towards her. But I saw it in a larger context.

America is given priority over our national culture, consequently relegating Danish culture to a secondary status.

Some believe that this replacement of our national and European cultural history poses a threat to our values, language, and self-understanding. The English language is on the rise, contributing to linguistic expansion in Denmark as well as the rest of Europe.

However, we are not only affected in terms of language but also our values, as language forms the foundation of culture. The linguistic…




Just a young man from Denmark sharing some perspectives. Follow along!