Stop Blindly Following an Ideology, Robot! Form Your Own Thoughts, Please

“I can’t learn anything from you I can’t read in some fuckin’ book”, Robin Williams said in the movie Good Will Hunting. A phrase more relevant than ever in modern politics.

2 min readAug 22, 2023


I’ve long held a strong irritation over the political situation in the Western world.

To put it simply, I believe many have become too lazy to contemplate their political stance.

However, there are many deeply engaged in the political debate. Though it might sound paradoxical, I would argue there is a certain degree of truth in my observation.

Let’s make it clear once and for all: it’s in no way impressive to be passionately politically engaged if that engagement is based on viewpoints one hasn’t taken the time to ponder upon.

It’s a political problem.

Many feel strongly about something, yet haven’t invested much time reflecting on what they should feel strongly about.

Why is this problematic?

Allow me to channel my thoughts into tangible arguments.

People have become lazy. Humans are designed to take the path of least resistance…




Just a young man from Denmark sharing some perspectives. Follow along!